Ava joined Daisy Scouts this year. It's not a very large group - only 9 girls - and none of the moms wanted to be a troop leader. So rather than not forming a group, we all agreed to lead a couple of meetings. Oh and I, as the token accountant of the group, got roped into being the Treasurer.
Anyway, it was my turn to lead the meeting this week. I scoured Pinterest to try to come up with an easy and inexpensive idea. Click here to link to my newly created Girl Scout Pinterest board. I finally decided to go with the Purple Petal from Gloria the Morning Glory who teaches us to "Respect Myself and Others". Here is what I did with the girls:
FIRST we did our Kaper Chart and recited the Girl Scout Promise. Our troop doesn't have a fancy Kaper Chart so I just wrote down the girls' names and their jobs on a dry erase board. If you want to make a Kaper Chart to use at your meetings, click here for some ideas.
SECOND, while the girls had their snacks, we talked about the petal that they'd be earning and I read the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud.
Have you heard of Bucket Fillers? Bucket filling is using actions or words to show someone kindness and respect, as opposed to Bucket Dipping which is saying or doing something unkind to another person. This concept is being incorporated in classrooms across the country, seemingly in response to the bullying epidemic.
After reading the book, we talked about what it means to respect ourselves and respect others. Here are some good example handouts:
Click here to access the RESPECT poster above.

Click here to access the RESPECT poster above.
Name tag and ribbon
"Drops in the bucket"
On each piece of colored paper (above) is a water drop with a compliment, such as "You have a nice smile." Because they're in Kindergarten and still learning to read, I also inserted a picture that describes the compliment (such as a smiley face). On the back of the piece of paper I've written "From:" and the girls can write their names.
If you would like to purchase PDF copies of the "drops" files for $4 you can pay my PayPal account and I'll email them to you.
Click this link: www.paypal.me/CReeves/4
Be sure to leave your email address and the files you're requesting in the comments too! My turnaround time is 1-2 days :)
Once the girls had their buckets, name tags and "drops in the bucket" ready to go, they walked around and "filled each others buckets" by selecting a compliment to place in their friends' buckets. Afterwards, they got to look through the "drops in their buckets" that they received and read the compliments from their friends. We talked about how when you fill someone else's bucket, it makes you feel good and you end up filling your own bucket as well!
FOURTH I taught the girls the song "Encourage One Another".
FIFTH we played a variation of Simon Says that highlights the girls' similarities and differences. The only rule is that you respond to the commands that are true for yourself. I also told the girls to watch carefully as they play the game because at the end, we would each tell one new thing they learned about another person during the game. To play, I gave directions such as:
- Simon says "Everyone with brown eyes, stand up."
- Simon says "Everyone who has a dog as a pet, put your right hand on your head."
- Simon says "Everyone whose favorite sport is soccer, stand on one foot."
- Simon says "Everyone who has a sister touch your knee."
- Simon says "Everyone who is left-handed jump 3 times."
SIXTH I brought some coloring pages and activity sheets that the girls worked on while they waited for their parent to pick them up. I also printed out a Purple Petal Certificate for each of the girls.
The girls seemed to have a great time and the time flew by. Hope this helps you with your next Daisy meeting!
PS - Click here to see what we did for the Orange Petal!
This is exactly what I needed to read tonight! Thank you for putting this together, and taking the time to share.
So glad that it helped!
Thank you! Great ideas!
I can't access the printable drops. When I pull up the template it's just blank... is that right?
Great Ideas! Thank you!
I am having a problem accessing the drop in the bucket templates. All the drops are just blanks... is that right?
Sorry about that. I'm not sure why but I couldn't access them either. I uploaded the files to Google Drive. Let me know if you're still having trouble and I'll just email them to you. Thanks for the interest!
Hi Cathy - I LOVE this! I was hoping to do this in our meeting today but still can't access the rain drops. Would you be able to email them to me?
Cathy - Would like to use your purple petal bucket drop templates at this week's Daisy meeting but I can't seem to download them :=(
Can you email them to me???
- Maria
Love what you wrote! I'm getting ready to lead my first meeting and I'd love that flyer about Respect. Is there any way you can email me the link to it?
Fingers crossed it goes well!
Hi Cathy, Would you be able to email me the drops template too? I wanted to use it as well - its great!!
Thank you
Hi Cathy - I stumbled upon your blog when looking for Daisy meeting ideas. Love your blog! And thank you for making my life easier for this next meeting that I am having tomorrow.
Would you be able to email me the handouts on Respect. I can't seem to print them. I would greatly appreciate it! julietantillo@yahoo.com
Thank you, thank you Thank you!
Hi Cathy,
Could you please email me the template for the printables? I need them for Friday! Thank you so much for the activity idea!
Can you please email me the drop templates? I'm hoping to have them to prep for this weekend.
Hi Cathy,
You, and your blog, are awesome! I am going to steal all of your hard work and present your material at our Purple Petal GS meeting this week. I too was wondering if you wouldn't mind emailing me the handouts on respect and the drops?
Thank you SO much!
Hello, can you please forward me the template so I can print. Thank you so much. This is great!
Hi Cathy,
Can you email me the template please. I need them for tomorrow. THank you very much. This is awesome.
Hi Cathy, do you have the printable files for the "respect" handouts? Thanks so much.
(the "at" being @)
I am totally going to use all of this! This is fantastic! thanks for sharing
So glad that this Daisy project has been of use to you all!
Thank you so much for your time and effort to share your awesome ideas!
Hi Cathy!
I love your handouts and would like to give these to my Daisies but they are coming out all blurry. Could you pretty please email them to me? Thanks so much!
Hi Michele,
I'd be happy to email the Respect handouts to you. Just leave your email address in the comments!
Can you please email me the printable drop handouts?
Thank you for the great ideas!!
Fantastic! We just got back from vacation and our meeting is tomorrow! I needed this!! I am unable to access the templates. Would you mind emailing them? I printed off google docs, but it's so tiny- when I enlarged it didn't print well. THanks!! jmkane75@gmail.com
Could you please mail me the respect printables and the certificate? Your ideas are awesome! Thank you. celia7945@yahoo.com
Thank you, such a great idea! Do you mind emailing me the printables too?
Thank you for this! I'm a Girl Scout Junior, and i'm doing Junior Aide and Gloria for the daisy troop im helping and I had no idea what to do till i read this. So thanks!!
This is such a great idea! Can you please send me the printables too? YAY! Thanks!
Can you please send me the printables for my Girl Scout meeting tonight? I have the buckets and name tags but could not get the google drive to work. THANKS
Would you be willing to send me the documents? Themartster1@yahoo.com. also, do you have all of the petal certificates?
This is great! Would you be able to send me the printable daisy petal certificates: Jenniferdeluc@gmail.com
Hi Cathy
Thank you for this great idea. Would you mind emailing me the drop buckets as well please? My email address is g_dubuc@yahoo.com
Thanks very much!
I love your ideas for the Daisys! I've been looking over your pinterest board and I am wanting to download your promise center and petal certificates but every time I click on the link it sends me back to only the purple petal post. Would you mind emailing me the files? Thank you soooo much! kalvarez1221@yahoo.com
Katherine - Thanks for letting me know about the petal certificates. I'm not sure why they direct back to my purple petal post. I'll look into it. In the meantime, you could try doing a search on Pinterest. That's where I found them initially. Thanks again!
Love Love Love all that you do, and thanks so much for sharing your ideas! I'm a Brownie leader, and am working on a "Fill your Bucket" theme for our meeting next week. Could you please email me the files for this too? Thanks so much!
Hi, love all of your stuff! I was hoping you could send me the file for the purple petal certificate. THANK YOU!!
Everything on here is AMAZING! I love all of your printouts! How did you make them and how can I print them? When I click on them, it enlarges them, but I can't print just the page. Any tips? Or do you have a share folder with these on google docs? Would love, love, love to get these as I just started a daisy troop and have no clue what I'm doing! Thanks! jpgeyer@gmail.com
LOVE LOVE LOVE your ideas and examples. May I please tag along with the others and perhaps get the information emailed to me as well? Mpearman78@outlook.com. This is a great Blog to follow I hope you continue topost and share your ideas and projects.
Vert Impressed,
Michelle Pearman
Hi Cathy
Could you please send me the template for the drops in the bucket when you get a chance? I am going to do this great craft at Daisys this month.
Thanks so much
Hi Cathy!
This has been a great source and I am using this lesson plan tomorrow. I have purchased everything, but can not get the templates to work for the bucket of compliments.Can you send them to me too?
Thank You,
Angela Wilson
Daisy Troop 4659
Hi, can you please send me the downloads for your Girl Scout Daisy petal certificates? Thank you!! Kendlea@gmail.com
cathy order your water drop template anychance of getting it tomorrow I have meeting Sunday and want to use. Had trouble with paypal getting it to work after four days of trying it finally too today.
Hi Barbara, I received your order and sent the files this evening. The email address that you provided through PayPal was your charter email account. Is that the correct email address address? If not please comment with the email address you'd prefer. I also resent the files to your charter email address. If you don't see it there, check your spam folder. Thanks!
love this idea!! Can you please let me know what size the bucket is???? thank you
Thanks Melissa! The buckets are small, they're the ones that you can buy in the dollar bins at Target. I just bought a bunch on clearance at Target for 30 cents!
Hi Cathy- I'm sorry if this post is being duplicated I just wanted to make sure it went through. I love your ideas and would like to purchase your "drops" for the bucket project. Before purchasing I just wanted to ask....do you just email them and then I can print as many as I need?
Thanks again for the good ideas.
Hi Colleen,
That's correct - I'll email you the files for the "drops" and you can print whatever you need.
Hi! I just sent $2 to you via PayPal. Will you email me the drops? Thanks!
Hi Jen, I just emailed you the files for your meeting! Thanks!
I just sent $2.00 to you via PayPal. I forgot to leave my email. It's jmoeec@aol.com. So sorry about that.
Jennifer Shewmaker
Love this! I'll send you $2 via PayPal. Please e-mail to cindy.notter@yahoo.com (not the gmail account). My Daisies will do this on Thursday! Now...to go find buckets lol
Love this! I'll send you $2 via PayPal. Please e-mail to cindy.notter@yahoo.com (not the gmail account). My Daisies will do this on Thursday! Now...to go find buckets lol
Thanks Cindy! I will email you the files when I get home this evening. Good luck finding the buckets! I saw that target had them in their dollar bin section today.
Hi Catherine,
I just sent you $2 and a question via PayPal. Thanks for sharing these -- I think our Tuesday meeting is going to be great!
Hi Catherine,
I just sent you $2 via PayPal. Please e-mail to mini@canadianamerican.us. Our Daisies will be doing this on Friday.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Mini,
I just emailed you the files. Good luck with your meeting!
Hi Cathy,
I think I have paid you twice!
please email the drops to hjmcnally@hotmail.com
Thank you!
Hi Cathy,
I just sent $2 via paypal for the water drops. Thank you!!
Hi Cathy,
I'm not sure my first comment posted, but I just sent you $2 via paypal for the water drop templates. Thank you!!
Thanks Geri! I just sent the files to your Yahoo account. Cathy
Hi Cathy! I would love your rain drops templates as well for our meeting next week if you have time. I see above about Paypal info. if dont mind to email me the information at lfranklinmd@gmail.com I will take care of that. Thank you! Leslie
Hello. Where are you getting the petal certificates that they earn? Do you have them for each petal? Thanks.
Hi Nichole,
A long time ago someone posted the certificates on pinterest, but I think she took them down and is now selling them on Etsy...you may want to check there. Thanks!
Hi there. I love the drop template. Anyway I can order now and get today? Thank you so much! Heidi
Hi Mommy Force, I can send you the files this afternoon if that works for you. Thanks!
Hi there! I would love to get the drop templates for our Daisy meeting this Friday.. Can I still order? Thanks so much!
Hi Col, Sent you an email. I can email the files to you in time for your Friday meeting! Thanks!
Where can I get the certificates?
Where can I get the certificates?
Hi JoDale, I did not make the certificates for petal completion. I found those on Pinterest. I've looked for them recently and believe that you may have to purchase them on Etsy now. I made the "drops" for the buckets. If you are interested in purchasing them for $2, there is a link on the blog post to my PayPal account. Thanks!
Could I get the drop template today or tomorrow morning? If so, I'll send $ via PayPal asap. Thanks!
Would I be able to get the rain drop template this afternoon or by tomorrow morning? If so, I'll send $ via PayPal asap.
Hi Legan,
Yes, I can definitely send you the files today. Thanks!!
Just sent it! Thanks :)
Hi! Would love a copy of handouts so I may print them. Is this a file you can email? Love the drop cards too. Are you still selling them for $2?
Hi Lorraine, I'm still selling the drops for $2. And I can send you links to where I found the handouts as well. Thanks!
Hello. I would like the drops for $2 please but I need them tonight. Is that feasible? Thanks!
No problem! I can get you the files tonight. I will keep an eye out for your PayPal payment and email address and send them right over. Thanks!
Just send you $2 for the drops. Please send to juliette.kaplan@gmail.com
Hi Julie! Sent you the drops. Good luck at your meeting! Cathy
Hi Cathy:
Are the drops still available for you to email if I ay the $2 on pay pal?
Hi Cathy
Are the drops still available to purchase?
Hi Jasmine! They sure are! Thanks for asking 😊
just paid, and I put it in the notes, to please send to jennifercamperman@realtor.com instead of my paypal email address. Thanks, I think this will be the perfect addition for one of our Daisy stations Wednesday!
Thanks Jen - just sent the files to you!
Can I still purchase the drops?
Hi Beth! Yes you can still purchase the drops! Thx!
Great! Thanks Cathy. I just sent you the money and also left and email for the drops
Thanks Beth! I'll send you the files tonight when I get home.
I just sent PayPal, would love them tonight if possible!
Hi Laura, I just sent you the files! Thank you!
I'm so glad that I was able to find this page. I've paypal'd you for the drop files. Thanks so much!
Thanks Theresa! I just sent you the files :)
Hi Cathy. I just sent you the paypal. Looking forward to the files. Thanks!
Hi Cathy...I love these. I just sent $2 via paypal. Thank you!
Thanks Kay! Will send you the files today!
Hi Cathy. Love you ideas. I sent $2 via paypal.
Thank you!
Would love your file of bucket drops! I sent $2 to your paypal. lizmpeterson@gmail.com
Hi Liz! Just sent you the files! Thanks! Cathy
Hi Cathy- I sent $2 to your paypal for the bucket drops. Very cute idea. Thank you!
Just sent $2 for the bucket drops via PayPal from andi4prez@yahoo.com. Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas!
Betty/Andrea, I just sent you both the files. Good luck with your meetings!
Just ordered my bucket drops! I love this blog....so helpful for a new Daisy leader. Thank you. :)
Thanks Heather! Just sent you the files! Cathy
Thanks for the ideas, I ordered the drops yesterday. Could you email them over today? Elle
Elle, Thanks for the comment. I'm so sorry for the delay. This is the first time that I didn't get a notification from PayPal that you made a payment but when I checked my PayPal account your money was in fact received. Glad you left me a comment! I'll have to contact PayPal and ask how this could have happened. I just emailed you the files. Thanks again!! Cathy
Thanks for sharing such a detailed outline. I love this activity. Just purchased the PDF from your paypal link. I'm looking forward to doing this with my Daisies next week :)
Hi - where can I find a downloadable template of the petal certificates? your link takes me to pinterest but I can't download anything (new to both pinterest and daisies so trying to figure it all out.)
Hi Daria,
The cost for the files is $2. There is a link in the post to my PayPal account. Please leave your email address and the files you are requesting in the PayPal comments and I will email you the files!
Thanks! cathy
Just send you a paypal for the water droplet graphics. This is such a great idea! I will be using this at our daisy meeting this week
Hi Cathy!
Love your drops, just sent you paypal pmt for them, can't wait to use them for our daisy meeting this weekend!!
Thanks Liz! Just emailed them to you!
I'd love to use your 'drop pdf' for my purple petal meeting, but it is tonight. Would you be able to email the pdf to me today? If so I"ll paypal you!
Hi Molly! I will be at my laptop for about an hour. If I see you're PayPal come thru I'll send it over! THanks!
Hi Cathy -- If I send paypal today can I get these later tonight or tomorrow morning? Thanks much!
Yes ma'am! I'll look for your PayPal to view me through and send it over!
Hi Cathy-- I sent PayPal late last night. Thank you!
I just sent the files! Let me know if you don't receive them. Good luck at the meeting!!
I just sent $2 through Paypal for the Gloria Daisy petal bucket filler files. Please send to maegan1619@hotmail.com. If possible, please send tomorrow morning, our meeting is tomorrow afternoon. Thanks!
Hi Cathy, I just sent the $2 through Paypal for the Gloria Daisy bucket filler file. Please send to maegan1619@hotmail.com. Thank you!
Hi Cathy - I just sent a payment. Thanks for sharing!
I just sent a payment. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Diana! I just sent you the files!
HI Cathy! The water drop compliments are adorable. I'm going to paypal $2 now - can I get the file today? Thank you!
Hi Megan, I just emailed you the files! Have fun at the meeting!
Hi Cathy,
I love your ideas! I would like information about the petal certificates. Can you email me at juhs4games@gmail.com
Can you please send me the link for the droplets also!! Great GREAT idea!!! love it
How did you print purple petal on the buckets
Paypal sent! jenn@runhikeplay.com for the drops file. Thank you!
Hi! I just pay pal-ed you from my husband's account (culverisnick@gmail.com) for the drops file. Thank you!!! Could you send them to emily.a.culver@gmail.com? Thanks so much!
Great post!!! I'm excited to do this activity. I PayPal you $2 for the droplets. Thanks!
Thanks Katie! Just sent you the files!
Thank you for the great idea! Just Paypaled you $2 for the drops!
Thanks! I’ll send you the files as soon as I get home!
I just PayPaled you $2 for the drops as well. Thank you for this great idea! Hope I can get them by tomorrow since our meeting is Sunday ;/
Hi Shannon! Just sent you the files! Good luck with your meeting! Cathy
Hi Cathy thanks for the ideas!! I’m sending you $2 for the drops files.
Hi Noelle! Just sent you the files! Good luck with your meeting! Cathy
Hi Cathy,
I just sent you the $2 for the drop files. Thanks again! Jason
Thanks Ami/Jason! I just sent you the files!
Hi Cathy,
I paid the $2.00. Would you be able to email me the drops!
HiStephanie! Could you please send me your email address and i'll get you the files ASAP. thanks!!
Hi Cathy,
I paid the $2.00. Would you be able to email me the drops file by e-mail?
Hi! I just sent it. Let me know if you need anything else! Thanks!
Hi Cathy,
Could you email the handouts? Great work!
This is perfect for teaching EQ! I just sent you payment. Can you email the templates to: estherlvelarde@gmail.com? :-) have a great week!
This is great! I just sent $2.00. Can you please email the files to estherlvelarde@gmail.com? Thank you!!
Thanks! I’ll be home in a couple hours and send them too you!
I truly enjoyed reading about this activity and would also like to try something similar. My email is Ericaldigiovanna@gmail.com I am a new Daisy Leader and am interested in more craft ideas.
So cute! Sending $$. My email is nicoleco19@gmail.com
Sending $, my email is kristinewolter@gmail.com
Thank you! Please send to kristinewolter@gmail.com
Kristine, just received your payment and emailed you the files! thx, cathy
Hi Cathy!
Just sent you the payment. Can you please send me the drop files. Thank you! (Sent the money through my husband's PayPal)
My email address is lwf313@hotmail.com.
Thank you!
CAthy -
Hi! I sent you payment thru paypal. I am looking for the drop pdf for the purple petal bucket activity.
My email address is deniggirls@gmail.com
Thank you
Jennifer Denig
Hi Jennifer, I just sent you the files. Thanks! Cathy
HI Cathy! I just sent you PayPal for the drops! My email is ataraolson@gmail.com and our meeting is Monday 1/14/19. Also I wanted to blow up the images to put on a poster board. Am I able to make the images bigger? thank you! great lesson!!!!!
HI Cathy! I just sent you PayPal for the drops! My email is ataraolson@gmail.com and our meeting is Monday 1/14/19. Also I wanted to blow up the images to put on a poster board. Am I able to make the images bigger? thank you! great lesson!!!!!
Hi Cathy! I just sent a PayPal request for the bucket drops file that I need for Mondays meeting. Am I able to make the images bigger? Love the lesson!
Are you still able to send the pdfs?
Hello! Are you still able to send pdf? I send you $2. Thank you!
Yep! I'll send the files over to you soon!
Hi again to the person to posted the comments above asking if I still send the files. I didn't receive your PayPal payment, which is how I get the email address of where to send the files. Just wanted to let you know in case you were waiting for the files!
Thank you! Sorry i am just seeing your message. I sent $2.
Just sent the $2!
Hi Colleen! Just sent you the files! Cathy
Hi Cathy,
I was moving quickly and forgot to put the note when I sent $2 by PayPal. Please send me the file with the bucket fillers. My e-mail address is cghcole@gmail.com
Many thanks!
Christy Cole
Hi Cathy! Could you please send me the drops files? Payment sent!
G - Just sent to you!
Great ideas!!
I just sent the $2 payment for the drops in a bucket. My email address is candacepwl@gmail.com.
Hi - I just sent the payment for the drops in the bucket (cute idea!). My email address is mandyowens18@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Just sent payment! Email address is mandylitzler@gmail.com. Thanks!!
Hi Cathy, I can't get the PayPal link to work. rmcfadden@wcdsedu.com
Hi Cathy,
I can't access the PayPal link. My email is rmcfadden@wcdsedu.com
Hi Cathy,
I just paid for the "fill my bucket" files for the purple petal. Thanks!
Hello, I just paid for the " fill my bucket" files. The water drop for the purple petal. shelleyclyne1971@gmail.com
I just paid for the "Fill My bucket" purple petal. Thanks shelleyclyne1971@gmail.com
Hi Cathy I just sent the payment.
I sent payment today. Thank you!
Just sent you the files! Thanks!
Hi! We are a new troop and I like what you've done for the Daisy Petals with certificates for purple and orange--have you made these for all of the petals? troop43381 @gmail.com
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