
Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Family FUN Passport

Summer is finally here! Unfortunately, not for my family.  We are in a bad, bad funk.  We just started Week 3 of "The Pink Eye Epidemic of the Summer of 2014".  Don't scoff.  This isn't your average, run-of-the-mill Pink Eye.  This Pink Eye comes complete with a horrible sinus infection, ear infection, sore throat, achy body and - the topper - 24 hour a day chest cough that will make you feel like you've been punched repeatedly in your rib cage by someone big and beefy. I know first hand.  And I'm still bitter that I had to take care of my kids while sick - moms never get a break.  

Tim just started up with the symptoms yesterday and Ava and Clara just started a round of Amoxicillin today after our Monday morning trip to the doctor's office with all 3 girls (lovely) identified that Ava has a sinus infection and Clara has an ear and sinus infection.   I'm in a panic right now because Sidney, who started this pandemonium on May 18th, has been itching her eyes all day...Please, dear God, let this be a coincidence.  I can't handle Round 2.

Anywho, enough of my pity party.  I mentioned in my A-Z Guide for Summer Fun in St. Louis that I'll be featuring a "Family Field Trip" series this summer.  That may never happen.  But if your family is lucky enough to enjoy the summer, you'll love these cute little passports.  I got way too excited making these (which makes it even more sad that we've yet to even crack them open).  I hope your family can get some use out of them!

They were easy to make and you can download your very own Summer Family Fun Passports by clicking here.  Some people have contacted me saying they can't access my files on Google Docs.  If you're having trouble downloading the file, just email me or leave a comment with your email address and I'll send it to you.

I printed the front/back cover in colored printer paper and multiple copies of the inside pages in white printer paper.  Then I used my paper cutter to cut the inside pages in half.

I folded the front/back cover in half, inserted the inside pages, and stapled them together along the fold.

Then the kids can document our field trips on the pages - where we went, who went and when we went - and draw a picture of the what we did on the field trip.  For my little one, Clara, I may just print out a photo from the field trip and tape it to the paper.

I have a some summer-y stamps (flowers, sun, butterfly, etc.) that I'll use to stamp the back of the page (like getting a stamp in your passport) once the girls are done.  I don't know about your kids but mine LOVE stamps!

If you like this passport, check out my Summer Food Passport too!

Have fun filling up your passport!

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